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Logic Stage (Grades 7 to 8)

The Classical Model

During the Logic stage (Grades 7-8), WCCA engages and stimulates a student’s sense of wonder and excitement about the world in which he or she lives. Students at this stage show enthusiasm for learning new concepts, and increasingly find the desire to be challenged and to start asking deeper questions.

As students mature during the Logic stage and their ability to think abstractly increases, they naturally desire debate, critical analysis, persuasive writing, and more in-depth discussions about the literature, history, and science they are studying. WCCA’s classical pedagogy and curricula are designed to be interactive, stimulating, and incorporate experiential learning.

Curriculum Overview

Christian Studies & Biblical Training

Our students, across all grades, memorize a great deal. This is no exception in the Logic stage. The hope is that our students will have God’s Word written on their hearts. The passages memorized are directed towards these questions: What is the gospel? Who am I in Christ? How ought I to live as a Christian?

Family Discipleship

WCCA highly values parental involvement. While teachers teach Biblical truths and doctrines, they also encourage parents to be involved in helping students interpret the Bible. We recognize the importance of parents passing on their faith to their children.

Reading of Christian Biographies

WCCA believes in the power of God’s Word and the influence of great books. Teachers put great books in front of students and allow the stories to have their own profound effect. Children naturally insert themselves in stories and identify with characters. As part of their Bible class, students read great Christian biographies, which can invigorate their faith and stir a love for God, His Word, and the world.

Students practice hand writing Bible verses or passages of literature they are studying or memorizing. They choose quotations that they find inspiring and the process of copying helps them memorize these passages. This process also allows students to practice writing excellent sentences for imitation.
Literature & Composition
Mastery of reading, writing, and speaking is the hallmark of an excellent education. At WCCA, students study timeless literature carefully and thoroughly with their teachers. Books, short stories, and poems are selected because of their enduring value. Students study literature that corresponds to their historical and geographical studies.

Students learn to write with excellence through imitation. Consistent exposure to great works of literature trains the ear and the eye to styles of superior writing, which students then learn to model into their own compositions. The focus of writing at the Logic stage is on clarity, beauty, and power.

History & Geography
History and Geography are taught in an integrated manner. Like in the Grammar stage, history is divided into four major eras: ancient, medieval, renaissance, and modern. Students focus on one era per year. All major civilizations from each era are studied. This logical, sequential approach allows students to see how cultures relate to one another in a meaningful way.

In Geography, students work at mapping areas related to their historical studies. This includes physical features, major bodies of water, countries and major cities. They study physical geography connected to their history curriculum, for example, geysers in Iceland and fjords in Norway when learning about the Vikings. They also study more general physical geography, such as the continents, longitude and latitude, the hemispheres, ocean currents, and layers of the atmosphere.

Students in the Logic stage study formal and informal logic. Students examine logical fallacies using real-world examples, as well as examining propaganda techniques to recognize, discern, and refute such strategies. The end result is a student trained in the art of right reasoning with language, preparing them for the next stage of Classical education (the Rhetoric stage), which teaches students how to use those skills to argue persuasively and powerfully.
Mathematics receive a special emphasis in Classical education as one of three universal languages. Mathematics, like Latin, develops and disciplines the mind more than most other subjects due its demanding and exact nature.
In Life Science, students examine botany, zoology, anatomy, and physiology. In Heaven and Earth, students explore the solar system, astronomy, geology, and meteorology. In Chemistry, students look closely at the properties of matter, atoms, and molecules, as well as chemical ecology. In Physical Science, students study heat, energy, machines, motion, inventions, and technology, along with basic physics principles. Science classes will incorporate a variety of means to engage students in learning. Experiments, field trips, and observation exercises will all add to a rich and rigorous science education.
The Logic stage begins a formal rigorous study of Latin. Students continue to build a foundation in Latin vocabulary, sayings, and beginning translation work.
Visual Arts
In Visual Arts class, students continue to pursue a rigorous course of drawing instruction in the Logic stage. In the Grammar stage, drawing is the primary tool for observing nature; in the Logic stage, it also becomes an important tool for analysing nature. Students refine their skills in the media used in the Grammar stage, and have more opportunities to work with paint and colour, as well as sculpture.

Students begin a focused study of the principles of design, both implicitly in the drawing instruction and explicitly in abstracted (flat) design studies. Students also observe, study, analyse, and explore the elements of design, and then use them in what they create. This study of the elements and principles of design provides food for the student’s developing analytical and reasoning skills in the Logic stage.

Students continue to study great artists who have devoted themselves to the study of beauty, virtue, and truth. They examine various works of art that are outstanding expressions of the periods of history that they are studying concurrently. Strong connections are also made with other areas of study such as mathematics and science.

Physical Education
Physical Education plays an important role as students learn to practice wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance. Students build strength and endurance through playing team sports, running, and other exercises. We emphasize both physical and cognitive growth by focusing on the rules, training methods, and specific skills for a wide range of sports. We encourage students to be active, strategic, and good team players.
Logic students continue their education in classical music and the great composers, music history and the influence of music on our culture, intermediate music theory, and vocal performance. A portion of the class is dedicated to harmonizing and ear training.

The WCCA choir, which includes all students at the school, offers students an opportunity to further develop their voices and their ears, as well as learn to harmonize. In our annual Spring Musical, Logic students take the lead roles, performing solos and duets, as well as singing in the chorus.


9 Hewitt Avenue, Toronto, Ontario  M6R 1Y4
(416) 466-8819 |